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GCP (Google Cloud Platform) 시작하기

by 괴짜코더 2022. 4. 28.

Country : ex) Own Contury

What best describes your organization or needs? :  ex) Startup...

Apply for additional credits (optional) : 

As part of an organization you may be eligible for an additional $100 in Free Trial credits to help you evaluate Google Cloud. To qualify, just enter a work email for verification.

ex) company e-mail i'm not recommend this :)

Terms of Service

ex) just check for use

Account type

personal / business

ex) choose what is your use identity.

Tax information

personal / business

ex) as i mentioned Tax info gonna change by identity.

Name and address


Your name

Address line 1

Your main Address

Address line 2

Your Apartment or house Address 


Your town or street


Your City


as same as above.


Postal Code


Your Postal Code

Phone Number

phone number (option)

주소 영문 변환 사이트


대한민국 - 주소영문변환 주소가

대한민국 도로명주소 우편번호 건물명 지번 주소영문변환 주소가



'구글클라우드플랫폼' 카테고리의 다른 글

GCP (Google Cloud Platform)  (0) 2022.04.28
